FAMILy service
We understand that family life can be chaotic and stressful. We offer a variety of quality services for local families. This includes groups from pregnancy to school age and individual support. We want to help parents make family life more manageable.
We know that being a parent is the hardest job that any of us has ever had to do and that it can be very isolating and stressful. We offer real support and some solutions to the real issues that life can present. Please do contact us for chat and we will do our best to help, you do not have to attend our groups to receive support.
Throughout the year we offer group programmes for parenting support and once a year we run the Freedom Programme for women who are victims and survivors of domestic abuse. As a small organisation we cannot offer everything to everybody but we can make referrals and recommendations for additional support.
Ready Steady Baby Antenatal Group
This group is run by the Family team and a qualified community midwife at The Churn Project.
An informal drop in group for pregnant mums at any stage of their pregnancy to discuss anything to do with pregnancy, wellbeing and life. Tuesday 9.30am - 11am
Antenatal topic sessions for parents to be and anyone who is supporting them. This is a 4 week programme. We cover signs of labour, giving birth, feeding your baby, looking after your baby and much more. Tuesday 11am - 12.30pm
For further information, please contact Rachel Stainton
Call: 01285 380034
Mobile: 07701 301122

Mummy and Baby Group
This group is run by the Family team on Wednesdays 11.30am - 1pm at The Churn Project.
An informal group for young mums and mums who would benefit from a some extra support with their babies.
For further information, please contact Rachel Stainton
Call: 01285 380034
Mobile: 07701 301122

This group runs on Wednesdays 9.30 - 11.00am (school term time only) at Cirencester Baptist Church, Chesterton Lane, GL7 1YE.
An informal drop in group for parents and their babies up to 12 months old. Offering support and advice alongside socialising with occasional taster and topic sessions.
For further information, please contact Amy Harvey or just come along, no booking required.
Call: 01285 380034

Postnatal programme
*Please note this group is currently not running.
This group runs on Tuesdays 10.30am - 12pm at The Churn Project.
A 4 week programme for first time parents or those wanting a refresher. We cover sleep, feeding, play, weaning and much more. Next one running in May. Please contact Rachel to book a space.
For further information, please contact Rachel Stainton
Call: 01285 380034
Mobile: 07701 301122

Mini ToddleRS
This group runs on Wednesdays 9.30am - 11am (school term time only).
A group for parents and toddlers aged 1-2 years. Parents are also welcome to bring their babies along as we understand how hard it can be to find groups for both ages. This group is for fun, play and meeting other parents in a friendly and informal space.
For further information, please contact Rachel Stainton
Call: 01285 380034
Mobile: 07701 301122

Families Matter
This group runs on Thursdays 9.30 - 11am and 11.30am - 1pm (school term time only).
A supportive group for parents and toddlers 2 years plus. Parents are also welcome to bring their babies/siblings along as we understand how hard it can be to find groups for both ages. This group is for fun, play and meeting other parents in a friendly and informal space. The children will enjoy play, a craft and a snack.
For further information, please contact Rachel Stainton
Call: 01285 380034
Mobile: 07701 301122